Saturday, May 21, 2016

Cute Tiger

I thought I had hooked the world’s largest grouper
After struggling for hours, I was still reeling
Refused help from a friend; I was a trooper
Somehow I found its resistance appealing
Hot sun on the Gulf had me in a stupor
And in my hands I started to lose feeling

It finally came into view just before dark
Was shocked to find a fifteen-foot tiger shark

He’d just been toying with me all afternoon
And he was more than half the size of my boat
I felt like a comic in a weird lampoon  
My heart seemed to be rising up in my throat
Captain Ahab might have viewed this as a boon
But far too much weight did this tiger shark tote

He bolted, took off, stripped the line from my reel
And I had to cast elsewhere for my next meal

 Inspired by Fatanergana